Co-Director (Co-Investigator): Dr Stacey Conchie, Lancaster University

Stacey is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Lancaster University and director of the behavioural science group within Security Lancaster. Her main interest is how trust shapes socio-emotional exchanges, especially in high-risk security and safety settings. 

Stacey has worked with a number of industry and government partners to understand the impact of trust on safety- and security- related behaviours. Using field and experimental methods, she has helped agencies understand the role of trust in leader-follower exchange, the changing nature of trust following micro and macro interventions, the measurement of trust using implicit and explicit methods, both offline and online, and the impact of distrust on team performance and how this may be addressed. 

Stacey is a Chartered Psychologist, a member of the UK’s Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats, and an incoming board member (as communications director) of the First International Network of Trust.